Saturday, 28 December 2013

Some of the coolest new cycle wear put to the test thanks to Santa.

While we are a new cycle wear brand, we're certainly not afraid to admit that part of product development strategy is to keep abreast of what our competitors are doing. That's why, thanks to Santa, we're testing some of the coolest new cycle gear kicking about. Rapha Pro Cross and Morvelo Flandrien kit to be specific.

Stay tuned for our pictures and reviews of this and other kit in coming posts.

Also, if you have any feedback on this, or other cycle wear and accessories, be sure to let us know in the 'comments'. Enjoy the ride. Pete.

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Cycle, Cycle Everywhere

Not only is Melbourne the city of great coffee, it is certainly a town of endless inspiration. Especially when it comes to bicycling and all things two wheel related.

During my recent trip to Melbourne for the ongoing design of our range of technical cycle wear, it's not difficult to pickup inspiration. It's a city setup for cycling of all sorts and people really seem to embrace the opportunity.  Regardless of the type of cycling you're drawn to, there are bikes parked on virtually every piece of 'street furniture' and the infrastructure really facilitates cycling of every type.

Just take a look at some of the bikes and street facilities I photographed in just a couple of hours one morning walking the CBD.

Tell us what you think other cities could do to improve cycling for all?